How To Be There For a Loved One With An Addiction
Are You Making it Easier for Your Loved One to Abuse Drugs?
The families of people with a substance use disorder inevitably end up in the difficult position of deciding whether to help their loved one, or to cut them off from support. The disease of addiction infiltrates the brain with manipulative tactics – anything necessary to get high. Unfortunately, spouses, parents and siblings are the most common targets for this manipulation.
When a loved one’s life starts spinning out of control as a result of drug abuse, it is very tempting for those around them to pick up the pieces. The problem is, giving help can actually, at times, hurt them. The small catastrophes that occur when drugs start to make a person’s life unmanageable are warning signs. When family members clean up these messy situations, the warnings lose their impact.
Though it can be incredibly painful to set limits with spouses or children that result in them leaving the home or losing financial support, these limits can save their lives. Family therapy has been shown to help address substance use patterns and co-dependency.
If your family is struggling due to a substance use disorder, help is available and recovery is possible.
If you or someone you love is struggling with trauma or addiction,
please do not hesitate to speak with our caring staff.
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