
Using Yoga and meditation to treat eating disorders

Using yoga and meditation to treat eating disorders incorporates a holistic mind-body approach and can be a powerful tool when used in conjunction with other therapies. Using yoga and meditation to treat eating disorders has been found to provide women with a calm and composed mind, which is then able to fight the tendency to […]

Eating Disorder

Causes of Eating Disorders

Our culture, with its fascination with skinniness and achieving the perfect body, has cultivated the progression and causes of eating disorders. An eating disorder is a constant disease where an individual refuses to eat food in order to gratify a physic need and not a physical requirement. The development and causes eating disorders can lead […]


Help for Eating Disorders

Help for eating disorders is offered in many different facets. Women and men can suffer from eating disorders should understand that they are not alone in their illness and there is support in every community with resources and specialists that can provide help for eating disorders. An eating disorder can be defined as an unnatural […]