What Is the Motivation Behind Getting Sober?

Motivation Behind Getting Sober?

The decision to lead a life of sobriety comes with many challenges. Everyone needs something that helps keep them on track in recovery. Faith in a Higher Power, a desire to get healthy and better yourself, or something more personal like healing family relationships, can all be powerful motivators.

Achieving and maintaining sobriety requires dedication and continuous work. It is essential to have a set of goals, a proper understanding of what recovery is and is not, and strong motivation to see you through.

How To Find Your Motivation

Maybe your current motivation does not feel strong enough, or perhaps you have found yourself questioning what you had previously believed. Changing circumstances is a normal part of recovery. Motivation might also need to change or adapt as you grow. It is vital that you find something big or small that can keep you motivated in your journey.

Many forms of treatment and recovery support involve placing your trust in a Higher Power, something above yourself. Faith of any degree can be an excellent, motivating factor while also providing encouragement and strength. Other motivations can include:

  • Relationships with family and friends

  • Set personal, career, fitness, or other goals you would like to see yourself accomplish

  • Use your support structure, 12-step program, or community

  • Volunteer and increase the amount of good you put back into the world

You do not have to choose any one thing. You might create a strong thread of goals, friendships, and support that can help you get through the more challenging aspects of living a happy, sober life. Progress does not mean that you are always moving quickly forward, but if you have something concrete to grasp onto during the journey, it can make any speed bumps you come across easier to overcome.

Is Recovery Subjective?

Many things in life are subjective. We are always interpreting the world around us through the lens of our past experiences and current knowledge. Not everyone sees all aspects of recovery the same way. Disparate views can lead to confusion and second-guessing progress. That being said, there are a few objective factors to recovery that you can focus on. For example, being sober is an objective state of not being impaired by any substance. The ultimate goal of recovery is to achieve long-term sobriety.

One of the reasons that recovery is mostly subjective is due to the ill-defined nature of the term. The lack of consensus means that anyone discussing recovery with loved ones or among peers in the sober community may find themselves feeling misunderstood or pigeon-holed by someone with an alternative view of what recovery means. One way to overcome this is by educating yourself about the distinct stages of recovery and understanding how various individuals might approach them. Becoming more knowledgeable might help you find a new way of reframing your own recovery in a way that makes it easier to accept. Exploring new viewpoints and thought patterns is a central theme in many recovery treatment programs.

The Importance Of Self-Efficacy

Your self-efficacy is going to have a significant impact on your recovery. The term refers to your belief in your ability to complete specific actions or achieve certain behaviors. Believing in yourself is tied closely to motivation. The confidence builds conviction in your ability to control how you respond to situations, including how you utilize motivational techniques. Being in the driver’s seat of your own wellbeing and recovery encourages responsibility and self-accountability.

A few ways to boost self-efficacy are by giving yourself smaller goals that take work but are achievable. The confidence you gain from completing them will make it easier to move on to bigger things. A few ways you can become better at believing in your ability to overcome challenges include:

  • Take actions to lower stress and balance your mood during difficult situations. These actions will make it easier to feel confident about overcoming similar circumstances in the future. Meditation, mindfulness, and relaxation are all tools at your disposal.

  • Work with a sponsor or peers in your community who have reached goals you still need to achieve. Seeing others succeed can increase self-confidence. These people can also give you advice on how to reach your goals.

The Ultimate Recovery Goal

Almost everyone navigating through recovery with a genuine spirit has the ultimate goal of maintaining a healthy, safe, and sober life. Building up your self-confidence, finding the right motivation, and keeping yourself accountable are all essential steps towards reaching that place. Your spiritual, physical, and mental health play crucial roles in the ultimate recovery goal you are working towards.

You may already know what motivation is helping you to maintain sobriety, or you might still be searching for something. Wherever you are on your recovery journey, there are plenty of resources to help you reach your goals. No one has to go through it alone. Support groups, peers, counselors, and sponsors can provide an outside viewpoint to help you find a healthier way of seeing the challenging aspects of recovery. With others’ support, it can be easier to find a spiritual and mental balance that can help you grow your self-confidence. Safe Harbor Treatment has one-on-one and group meetings that can provide you with resources and coping skills to become a better version of yourself. Our goal is to restore spiritual wellbeing, self-worth, and the ability to thrive in a life of fulfillment through unconditional love, acceptance, and evidence-based treatment. Safe Harbor is located in beautiful Costa Mesa, California, where we host a faith-based community. For more information, reach out to us today at (833) 580-1473.


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